Ive had this POS for about a year now and definitely wouldnt recommend it. I was recommended this system because "It was built by people who really understand POS and cash register systems". This system would be a major improvement if you were coming from a manual cash register but compared to other iPad POS systems, this is really unintuitive, clunky, overpriced and disappointing.
Unintuitive: Again, if youre old school and have a deep understanding of cash register logic this is your tool. If you were born in the modern era, youll probably find the logic behind every step you want to do very illogical requiring lots of time on help forums, etc.
Clunky: Small buttons, limited customizability and LOTS of screens. My employes hate it because there are no automatic tip prompts except a tiny button on the signature screen, CC tips are 70% lower at our location that uses this system vs. our other restaurants. This is not the app for you if you have long lines that you need to turn quickly.
Overpriced: I cant remember exactly what I paid for the whole set up (not including the iPad) but I think it was somewhere around $500 for the Credit Card Reader, Cash Drawer, Receipt Printer. That would be fine except after 7 months our CC reader stopped working. Tried to buy the exact same model on Amazon for $50 but had to send it back so I could buy the exact same reader that was "encrypted" from NCR for $79. All that plus $40/month that they justify with the "marketing capabilities", which are beyond weak and not even worthy of discussing.
Disappointing: For all the above named reasons. Customer service is nonexistent, On a busy Saturday in the Summer the NCR Silver systems crashed- we were on hold for almost 2 hours before we gave up, no follow up emails to users, no apologies, nothing. Honestly, the only type of business I would recommend this to is for someone whos elderly grandparents run a small business and need "Cash Register logic" and you want to be able to access their back-end remotely. We have 3 places on 3 different systems and this one has been by far the worst!